mandag 19. oktober 2015


Arabic is the first-language of approximately 237,000,000 people worldwide. This makes Arabic the 5th most widely spoken language in the world. It is a beautiful language that I would love to learn someday, perhaps after high school. It would be amazing to be able to talk Arabic when visiting Oman and other Arab countries, and maybe the language will be quite useful in my future jobs, who knows? Anyway, as of today I´ll have to do with the basic phrases I´ve learned. The following words and phrases are in fact very useful to know when visiting an Arab country. You´ll be surprised how even a grumpy security guard ends up smiling and wishing you "good morning", simpy because you said hello in Arabic instead of saying it in English.

As-salaam alaykum: Peace be with you (greeting)
Wa alaykum as-salaam: And peace be with you (reply)
Sabah al khair: Good morning
Sabah al noor: Good morning (response)
Misa al kayr: Good evening
Misa ah noor: good evening (response)
Marhaba: Hello
Ma´salamah: Goodbye

Kayf halek?: How are you? (to a man)
Kayf halik?: How are you? (to a woman)
Al hamdu lillah, bikhair: Fine, thanks be to God
Zain: Good

Useful words/phrases
Shu ismak?: What is your name? (to a man)
Shu ismik?: What is your name? (to a woman)
Ismi..: My name is...
Naam: Yes
La: No
Shukran: Thank you
Ahhlan wa sahlan: Welcome
Min fadlak: Please
Mafee mooskalah: No problem
Afwan: Excuse me
Yillah: Let´s go! (When dune bashing most drivers will make you shout "yillah!")

Insha´llah: God willing or at such time as God desires (This word is used as an excuse for everything)

Wayn: Where is
Hammam: Bathroom
Funduq: Hotel
Teksi: Taxi
Mushtashfa: Hospital
Souq: Market
Telefon: Telephone

Ma bihki arabi: I don´t speak Arabic

Arabic is a beautiful and complex language. It is difficult to learn (especially considering the fact that the phrases change based on gender), however, as mentioned, knowing a few phrases is useful when visiting Oman or another Arab country. I don´t know if I´ll ever learn to write and read Arabic, but I really want to learn how to speak the language.

Can you guess what is written at the top of the post?

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